Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Should You Choose a Tutor Or a Tutoring Service?

Should You Choose a Tutor Or a Tutoring Service?When seeking out a Pasadena tutor, there are many different factors to consider. The top two choices include tutors and tutoring services. The questions above might not immediately present themselves to you in terms of which to choose, but they will likely determine the route you will take when making the choice. In order to simplify the decision making process, here are a few tips to keep in mind when choosing your tutoring service.A tutor is usually established with a parent's convenience and is a convenient option for parents and other adults who wish to meet their child while they are still young. This type of tutor is generally experienced and certified to teach grades 4-12, and they would most likely be well versed in educational terminology and methods of teaching. These types of tutors will also be able to customize the lesson plans that you decide to use so that they fit within your child's learning style.The basis of teaching is one of consistency and using a regular class meeting. It is very important to have a regular meeting and you will want to find a tutor who is capable of maintaining a schedule that works well for your child. If the tutor does not hold a regular schedule or has other obligations that interfere with scheduling their lesson plans, then this may not be the right option for you.Finding a tutor online is another great option, as long as you do your research. There are many websites that specialize in tutoring and it is a good idea to use one of these to help you narrow down your search. Just be sure to take a look at the reviews provided by the different tutors so that you can see how well they are rated and how people have responded to them.Another free online option is to use the features of an online directory. These websites typically have reviews of tutors and the best results for a particular course or area of study. If you are not familiar with the tutors in the list, it may be better to use one of these directories to obtain more information about their teaching experience before making a final decision.Once you have narrowed down your options, there is one last thing to consider - aptitude. You must find a tutor who is able to fit your child's ability level. Most children love to learn, so it is important to find a tutor who can meet your child's needs for coursework and homework help. This is why it is very important to find a tutor who specializes in your child's age range.If you take all of the above into consideration when seeking out a tutor, you should have no trouble finding a teacher who can help your child reach his or her educational goals. Remember, just because a school or teacher has the name recognition, doesn't mean that your child needs to stay in that classroom, so find a teacher who is willing to meet your child's needs in a safe and comfortable environment.

Friday, March 6, 2020

English Conversation Class Politicians and Sex Scandals

English Conversation Class Politicians and Sex Scandals Hello! Were back after a 2-week hiatus from giving our group English conversation classes. In that time one of the funniest in a long history of high-profile sex scandals involving U.S. politicians has unfolded.In case you missed it, or something this silly didnt make it to the news in your country, U.S. Congressman Anthony Weiner was accused of sending photos of his weiner (yes, weiner is a synonym for penis in English) to a woman via Twitter. He at first denied doing it, saying his Twitter account had been hacked, but as more photos were released, he eventually admitted to the weiner tweet.Naturally, comedians in the U.S. had a great time with this story. Below is a clip from The Daily Show a popular (and totally hilarious) fake news program in the U.S. Click here if youre interested in taking a class.It seems like there is a long history of politicians involved in scandals like these. Bill Clinton immediately comes to mind, and there is the ongoing investigation of the former Fren ch IMF chief.Some questions for thought before the class:Are politicians constantly being caught in sex scandals in your country?What is the funniest/worst one you are aware of?Why do you think this is always happening with politicians?How are scandals like this handled in your country?Do you think this is real news?What do you think should happen to politicians caught in sex scandals?

5 Reasons to Have a Job on Campus - by TutorNerds

5 Reasons to Have a Job on Campus - by TutorNerds 5 Reasons to Have a Job on Campus Almost all students have to work at least part-time during college, students who are lucky enough to be one of the few that dont are advised to focus 100% on their studies and feel very fortunate. However, the rest of us have some important decisions to make about balancing income and academics. Most professors will advocate strictly for academics, and they should because it’s their job to advocate for education after all. However, if a student can’t pay their tuition, this advice is not entirely helpful. So how can a college student find that delicate harmony between work and study? One of the best ways to achieve this is to find a job on campus. 1. Save valuable time Students who live on campus without personal transportation often find it difficult to get to and from an off-campus job. The 45 minutes or so one-way waiting for the bus or riding a bike is time that could be better spent studying for exams. However, students who work on campus can simply walk a few blocks and be at work. Any time that isn’t spent commuting is time a student can use to either study or work more and earn more. 2. Be a part of the community Students who work on campus will remain a part of the larger campus community. Nearly all of their coworkers will also be students, and they will have the opportunity to meet student colleagues from nearly every discipline and field of study. Students who work on campus can use work as a way to participate in student networking as well as making new friends. 3. Working around a student schedule Students who have an off-campus job often find that they have to make some very tough decisions when finals week comes around. While some part-time employers are kind enough to recognize that their collegiate employees will need time off during finals week, many are not. Countless students have had to choose between either quitting their jobs for risking failing final exams. This is not a decision student workers should have to make. On-campus employers know that all of their employees will be unavailable during certain weeks of the term. They tend to be a lot more flexible and willing to work around a student’s academic schedule (READ: The Dos and Donts of Dropping a College Course). 4.  Income for international students Although students on F1 student visas are generally not allowed to earn money while in the United States, theres often an exception to work on campus. This gives international students the opportunity to earn some pocket money to help subsidize the cost of international tuition. It also allows international students to immerse themselves in US culture and get to know a mixture of local people and make some potential job connections for the future. 5. Keep on top of academics Being on campus reminds students that their primary reason for being there is to study. If a student is starting to fall behind with their educational obligations, being surrounded by fellow students and professors on a daily basis is a good reminder of the ultimate prize. Although being able to pay the bills and tuition is extremely important, students who work off-campus can easily get distracted and veer away from their ultimate goal of obtaining a bachelors degree. In short? Most American students will need to earn pocket change, at a minimum, while in college; there are many different places students can work and many different ways to earn money. On-campus student jobs are some of the best options for students who would like to maintain that delicate all-important balance between work and study. Still in the application phase? Our Orange County college admissions consultants are here to help (READ: 8 Reasons Applicants Fail to Get Into the College of Their Choice). All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us post about â€" our Orange County private academic tutors are happy to help. 5 Reasons to Have a Job on Campus - by TutorNerds 5 Reasons to Have a Job on Campus Almost all students have to work at least part-time during college, students who are lucky enough to be one of the few that dont are advised to focus 100% on their studies and feel very fortunate. However, the rest of us have some important decisions to make about balancing income and academics. Most professors will advocate strictly for academics, and they should because it’s their job to advocate for education after all. However, if a student can’t pay their tuition, this advice is not entirely helpful. So how can a college student find that delicate harmony between work and study? One of the best ways to achieve this is to find a job on campus. 1. Save valuable time Students who live on campus without personal transportation often find it difficult to get to and from an off-campus job. The 45 minutes or so one-way waiting for the bus or riding a bike is time that could be better spent studying for exams. However, students who work on campus can simply walk a few blocks and be at work. Any time that isn’t spent commuting is time a student can use to either study or work more and earn more. 2. Be a part of the community Students who work on campus will remain a part of the larger campus community. Nearly all of their coworkers will also be students, and they will have the opportunity to meet student colleagues from nearly every discipline and field of study. Students who work on campus can use work as a way to participate in student networking as well as making new friends. 3. Working around a student schedule Students who have an off-campus job often find that they have to make some very tough decisions when finals week comes around. While some part-time employers are kind enough to recognize that their collegiate employees will need time off during finals week, many are not. Countless students have had to choose between either quitting their jobs for risking failing final exams. This is not a decision student workers should have to make. On-campus employers know that all of their employees will be unavailable during certain weeks of the term. They tend to be a lot more flexible and willing to work around a student’s academic schedule (READ: The Dos and Donts of Dropping a College Course). 4.  Income for international students Although students on F1 student visas are generally not allowed to earn money while in the United States, theres often an exception to work on campus. This gives international students the opportunity to earn some pocket money to help subsidize the cost of international tuition. It also allows international students to immerse themselves in US culture and get to know a mixture of local people and make some potential job connections for the future. 5. Keep on top of academics Being on campus reminds students that their primary reason for being there is to study. If a student is starting to fall behind with their educational obligations, being surrounded by fellow students and professors on a daily basis is a good reminder of the ultimate prize. Although being able to pay the bills and tuition is extremely important, students who work off-campus can easily get distracted and veer away from their ultimate goal of obtaining a bachelors degree. In short? Most American students will need to earn pocket change, at a minimum, while in college; there are many different places students can work and many different ways to earn money. On-campus student jobs are some of the best options for students who would like to maintain that delicate all-important balance between work and study. Still in the application phase? Our Orange County college admissions consultants are here to help (READ: 8 Reasons Applicants Fail to Get Into the College of Their Choice). All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us post about â€" our Orange County private academic tutors are happy to help.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Mental Arithmetic Powerful and Fast Calculations - ALOHA Mind Math

Mental Arithmetic Powerful and Fast Calculations How easy was it for you to mentally calculate if a number was divisible by 4? Was it simple enough for you convert kilos to pounds, decimals to equivalents of fractions or convert kilometers to miles on your fingertips? All this and many more calculations were simplified with tricks and trades of mental arithmetic Mental arithmetic for kids surely makes learning fun. It has numerous benefits to start with Memory enhancement as the concepts helps to improve intelligence. Sharpening of their memory due to fast computations they will have to do. Most important through steady practice, your kid will learn to use both sides of the brain without even knowing it. Want your kid to achieve all this? What you can you do as parents? Parents play huge role here they need surely work equally or sometimes harder than their kids if they want their kids to reap the benefits of mental arithmetic. To start with the right food is very important to improve memory; Parents need to give their children fruits, vegetables, nuts and berries these are the prime source for nutrient elements that serve as their own memory booster. Secondly enroll them into after school abacus classes. Aloha Mind Math has credible course and has repeatedly shown commendable results with their students. This after school program has been designed and structured by a panel of experts from the field of Mathematics. The program is imparted by certified and qualified teachers who aim to provide a fun filled and interactive learning environment, which is the most important factor that generates interest in a subject that is generally dreaded by children Parents can visithttp://www.aloha-usa.comfor more information about ALOHA’s program and to locate the ALOHA center closest to them. However, Mental Arithmetic is a skill which kids need to develop and exercise to improve it, which in turn will enhance other skills such as reading. So go on make your little one a math genius!

How to Be a Good Language Learner Weve Finally Discovered the Secret Formula!

How to Be a Good Language Learner Weve Finally Discovered the Secret Formula! How to Be a Good Language Learner: Weve Finally Discovered the Secret Formula! The year was 1975. One simple question launched dozens of studies: What makes a good language learner? That’s right, scientists Joan Rubin and David Stern sought the answer to this question long before you got fed up with trying to learn Spanish for the third time.The good news is that they found some answers! They and subsequent researchers found key commonalities among successful language learners. The goal was to study good language learners to see if their methods could be taught to not-so-good language learners or used to help teachers reach language learning students.The most important takeaway of their research was this: Anybody can become good at learning languages. Gasp!Thats great, but how do you do it? Well, you need to observe and copy the secrets and techniques of the most successful language learners.Start by thinking of a good language learner that you already know.We often marvel at good language learners, wondering how they pick up languages so fast. Unfortunately, thats often where doubt starts to sink in, and we ask ourselves questions like, How’d that guy learn German in a year when I’ve been studying it for the past seven years and can still hardly introduce myself? What is this sorcery?Less-successful language learners are sometimes even in awe of good language learners, almost like they think they’re mystical gurus, possessors of some rare and special knowledge. Give us the keys to your exceptional skill, oh Enlightened One, we want to say.But what if everyone knew the qualities of a good language learner? By studying what makes the best language learners tick, we can all understand how certain attributes prime you for successful language learning, which ultimately demystifies the process.Behold: Those coveted characteristics are a mystery no more! I’ve compiled a comprehensive list of qualities that make good language learners successful and, more importantly, ways you can translate those qualities to success in your own langua ge learning. How to Be a Good Language Learner: Weve Finally Discovered the Secret Formula!You’d be hard-pressed to find a good language learner lacking in these qualities. Read on to see which ones you demonstrate well, and which you could be better at.1. Good Language Learners Have Plenty of CourageGood language learners have no room for inhibitions.When you see these learners happily chatting away, they appear to be confident and unafraid of looking like a fool when speaking.For example, when they don’t know the word for “telephone,” good language learners place an imaginary telephone to their ears. When they don’t know how to conjugate a verb correctly, they say it anyway.Fear doesnt stop good language learners because they know that practicing, even if done imperfectly, is the only way they’ll get better.They also have tough skin. They don’t quit the first time they get laughed at for committing a language faux pas.Sure, they might get embarrassed because a nat ive speaker doesn’t understand them, but they just dust their shoulders off and work to improve their pronunciation. They dont run from their mistakes, they learn from them, and they have the courage to keep on going like a boss.They’re not afraid to guess. Good language learners use context clues to guess at the meaning of unfamiliar words and phrases.If they hear the sentence He lives in a big mansion, but dont know the word mansion, they can guess it means a really big house! They also create new words if they have to.For example, they’ll guess that a newly-learned English verb ends with -ed in the simple past tenseâ€"even if they know there are many exceptions to that “ruleâ€"and they understand that people will likely understand what theyre talking about, even if its not grammatically correct.They accept the fact that nobodys perfect, so they take these risks on a regular basis. They realize that in most cases, communication is more important than correctness.2. Good La nguage Learners Use Their Keen Observation SkillsGood language learners recognize and learn from their own mistakes and the mistakes of others.Here good listening and self-awareness come into play. You can’t correct mistakes you don’t know you’re making, so good language learners pay attention and adjust accordingly. If they conjugate a word incorrectly, theyll note that its something they need to work on. They listen and learn from native speakers as well, copying them as closely as possible.They pick up on nonverbal clues. If there’s one thing you’ll learn about learning a new language, it’s that there’s a lot more to communication than the words we say.Good language learners take note of facial expressions, body language and tone of voice to understand how someone’s saying something when they don’t know what they’re saying. With a combination of verbal and nonverbal clues, they can take educated guesses at the meaning.They identify patterns in the target langu age. They work to understand the language as a system, identifying key patterns that make learning the language easier and more like the way native speakers learned it.For example, good learners of Spanish pick up on the fact that, unlike English, the definite articles  el and la  are commonly used in front of nouns in a sentence. And good learners of English will learn that we really like to use the word it.3. Good Language Learners Are Curious and Creative When Processing New InformationGood language learners ask a lot of questions.  How do you use present continuous in the third person? Whats the meaning of this slang word? Why do you say this word in one situation, and that other word in a different situation?These questions are how they learn more of the target language almost every day. They’re naturally curious and always strive to take in more vocabulary and grammar.They have a unique way of learning that’s tailored to themselves. There are different kinds of good langua ge learners just like there are different kinds of general learners (for example, there are auditory, visual and kinesthetic learners, among others).Over time, good language learners learn the methods  that work best for them  to remember new vocabulary and grammar structures. Depending on the learner, they might use flashcards, videos or audio recordings to learn, to name just a few techniques. This helps them process new information quickly.Good language learners are good at improvisation. They creatively use words, phrases and structures they already know to say what they need to say. Instead of pulling out the translation app, they’ll use “circumlocution,” or the roundabout way of saying things.For example, if you dont know the word for a watch, you can say “the thing that shows the time.” This promotes fluency as well as self-expression.4. Good Language Learners Are Abundantly PatientGood language learners become comfortable with ambiguity.They don’t need to know th e meaning of a new word right away, and they don’t worry when they don’t understand 100% of what a speaker is saying. There won’t be much learning going on if you tune out (or freak out) as soon as you hear an unfamiliar word. Good language learners are patient enough to understand that one day they’ll be able to have conversations in which they know all the words.Theyre also patient with themselves. They know it takes time to learn a language, so they don’t get frustrated easily. Good language learners accept the language for what it is, forgiving and being kind to themselves if they don’t progress as quickly as they’d like. They don’t put a lot of pressure on themselves because they see learning the language as a journey. They go with the flow, understanding that things like grammar are not the be-all and end-all.5. Good Language Learners Are Largely Self-motivatedGood language learners understand their why.Whether they need the target language to get a better job, to get into grad school overseas, to survive in a foreign country or simply to connect with their family or roots, good language learners are deeply motivated. Their reason for learning a language often goes beyond getting a good grade in a class. They take language learning very, very seriously.That motivation leads them to learn independently and practice consistently. Teachers don’t have to force them to conjugate verbs each night or to practice with a language partner on the weekends.Good language learners actively seek out opportunities to practice the language outside the classroom. They practice as much as possible.Whats more, they genuinely enjoy learning the target language. It’s fun, even!That’s why it’s important to choose the right language. You won’t stick with a language that makes you yawn. And in case you were wondering, that also explains why you’re probably not fluent in the language they forced you to take back in high school.Learning from the Good La nguage LearnerI hope you can  now  see how learning a new language isn’t so mystical. Theres no sorcery or witchcraft involved, but there is a secret formula. And now you have it, too!It’s a unique process for everyone, but emulating these qualities is a good first step. It’s important to internalize these qualities to reach our language learning goals just like the good language learners of the world. But remember: All of this information is futile if you don’t apply it. So take action, Newly Enlightened One, and start  practicing right now!Layla A. Reaves is a freelance writer based in Maryland. She spends her spare time working on the next Great American Novel and actively plans her upcoming trips each day. Her motto is keep going imperfectly.

Waiting for College Acceptance Letters 5 Things to Research

Waiting for College Acceptance Letters 5 Things to Research Costa Mesa College Tutoring Tips: 5 Things to Research While You Wait For Your College Acceptance Letter Its that time of year when students have sent in their college applications and scholarship forms but are still waiting to hear back. Most students get notifications from colleges in April or May and so still have a couple of months to sit around and wait. Unfortunately, the waiting game can be rather unproductive and leaves students feeling stressed out and overwhelmed. When students hear back from colleges, they wont have a whole lot of time to make a decision as to where they’ll spend the next four years, but there are some things they can start researching while they wait for that all important life-changing news start prepping for college with the help of a private Costa Mesa college tutor from TutorNerds while you wait for your college acceptance letters. 1.   The specifics of academic programs If students have a strong first and second choice its a good idea for them to sit down and look at the specifics of the academic programs they have applied to. Will freshman be able to get all the classes they need to graduate in four years? If they are undecided, are there different programs within their areas of interest available to them? Are there options for students to major in one field and minor in another? Students shouldn’t overwhelm themselves with hundreds of questions about each university before they find out if theyre accepted, but it wouldnt hurt for them to look at the top three issues on their wish list while theyre waiting to find out. 2.   Financial aid and scholarships One of the most important issues for students is figuring out how they will pay for college. Students may have an option of receiving financial aid directly from the school, or they may have to rely on government or private programs. There are also tons of scholarships, big and small, out there but all of these things require a ton of research. Students should fill out any applications they can and gather any crucial financial information about themselves or their household so they can make application deadlines with ease. 3.   Relocation advice If a student has decided theyre most interested in attending an out-of-state school, its a good idea to talk to a few recent grads about relocation advice. Students will have to decide what theyre going to take with them, where theyre going to live, and what their new living situation will be like. It can be stressful when high school seniors have to deal with all of this at the same time as AP exams, and finals so it doesnt hurt to find out about important logistical details early (READ: 5 Ways to Start Prepping For AP Exams). 4.   Student employment Another thing students will need to learn about, regardless of where they decide to attend college, is how they will obtain student employment. Convenient on-campus jobs go fast, and summer positions and internships are often filled long before the end of spring semester. If students are going to be relying on part-time employment to pay their tuition or even just for the pocket money they should do a little bit of research about what types of jobs are available and put together a one-page, easy to read student resume. Even if students didn’t have an after-school job in high school, they could still include volunteer experience and community service projects that promote their work ethic. 5.   Student satisfaction Students often forget to look at the level of satisfaction of current students and recent graduates at the institutions they are applying to. Are current students confident theyll graduate on time? Are underclassmen able to get the classes they want or need? Are they impressed by their professors and TAs? Student satisfaction is a crucial element to having a positive college experience, and in-depth research is definitely worth the time. Heading to college next fall? Hit the ground running with private Costa Mesa tutoring this Spring and Summer. Our tutors work with your schedule. Call us today for more information. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Earn An Income As A Tutor And Learning Center

Earn An Income As A Tutor And Learning CenterIf you are looking for a way to earn some extra money, you may want to consider learning a new skill. Tutoring and learning center programs are perfect for any job that requires computer knowledge or other types of education. In most cases, there are many ways to earn an income doing tutoring and learning center jobs. These online job opportunities include those who tutor high school students, people who tutor elementary school students, elementary school teachers, and college professors.You can start working in a tutoring and learning center program when you have already had some experience as a tutor. However, if you do not have any experience, it is still possible to become a tutor. In fact, you can earn a living even if you have never taught before.Online tutoring and learning center jobs are much more accessible today than they were ten years ago. In fact, a huge number of people have opened up online businesses in the last decade. So me of these businesses are businesses that provide tutoring and learning center services.Today, many online learning centers offer everything from computer training to library services. There are also tutoring and learning center opportunities for adults. In most cases, the Internet is where you will find most of these opportunities. Once you have worked at an online tutoring and learning center program, you can sign up for a job at one of the many online tutoring services.You do not need to be a genius to become a tutor at a learning center. You just need to be able to provide adequate service to the students that you are tutoring. This will help to increase your chances of getting good paying jobs. Some tutoring and learning center jobs are those that require you to give out free homework help.If you are interested in becoming a tutor at an online learning center, you can simply sign up for an account and begin your search for an online learning center job. The key is to submit yo urself to online tutoring services. Most online tutoring services will allow you to become a member and participate in their tutoring programs as long as you provide the required information.Once you have submitted yourself to the online tutoring service, you can look through the many tutoring opportunities that you are qualified for and apply for a teaching certificate. You may find that many online tutoring services are highly competitive and may have to prove that you have previous experience as a tutor and can be trusted with the students. Before applying for a teaching certificate, it is important to discuss your qualifications with the tutoring service you are applying to. It is also important to speak with the school principal and administrative staff to find out what skills and qualifications you should have to become a good tutor.